October 2018 Newsletter
Herbal Times Newsletter Meeting October 10 Virgil and Treva's house 6:00 pm
Hello everyone thanks for those who came to the last meeting we had fun making mason bee houses. This months meeting will be at Virgil and Treva Cooks house (10100 Rukes Rd. Rosedale, IN) bring a pumpkin to paint or carve. I have been to the herb garden several times this summer it look very good. Thanks to all that helped. This meeting we will choose the charities that we donate for the year. Thank you Catherine John for maintaining our web page, and Connie Cooper for our Facebook page good job ladies.
Hello Fellow Herbalists!
Herb of the month ©2018 by The Herb Society of America www.herbsociety.org 440-256-0514 9019 Kirtland Chardon Road, Kirtland, OH 44094
Sumac, Rhus coriaria Rhus coriaria is commonly known as tanner’s sumach, elm leafed sumach or Sicilian sumac .It grows as a deciduous shrub or small tree and is hardy to USDA zones 8 to 11. This sumac is native to southern Europe. The immature fruits are used as a substitute for capers. Crushed and dried ripened fruit are a main ingredient in Za’tar, a Middle Eastern spice blend. In Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey and Iran, the dried and ground fruits and sprinkled over rice as well as mixed with fresh onions. In the Americas, Rhus glabra and Rhus aromatic had been used by Native Americas to prepare traditional beverages and have a similar flavor. Leaves and bark are high in tannins; crushed leaves make a yellow dye or are used as a mordant; yellow or red dye can be obtained from the bark and black dye from the fruits. The bark and root especially were used for tanning leather. An oil can be extracted from the seeds and can be used to make candles, which burns brightly but has a pungent smoke.Traditional medicinal uses for the leaves and seeds have included treatment of dysentery and conjunctivitis, among many other ailments. Research has shown that Rhus coriaria has liver protectant qualities, is antimicrobial and is a natural antioxidant. Powdered dried fruits are being studied for effect on insulin resistance for people with type II diabetes. Fruits are also being studied for potential cardio vasculoprotective action to benefit to the human circulatory systemIn spite of the common name, it is not related to poison sumac (Toxicodendron vemix).
See you at the meeting