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Horseradish Quick Facts

Horseradish originated in the southern part of Russia and the eastern part of the Ukraine. Ancient Greeks and Romans cultivated this herb for medicinal uses such as back pain and menstrual cramps. During the Middle Ages (c. 1000-1300) horseradish began to be incorporated into the Passover Seder as one of the marror, or bitter herbs, to be used by the Jewish people. In the mid-1800s, immigrants living in northeastern Illinois planted horseradish with the intention of selling the roots on the commercial market. Today a large portion of horseradish is grown in areas surrounding Collinsville, Illinois. The town of Collinsville refers to itself as “the horseradish capital of the world.” Horseradish is also grown in other areas of the United States such as Pennsylvania, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin and California. Canada and Europe also cultivate the herb to sell commercially.

Rose Quick Facts

Man has had an intimate relationship with roses that has persisted throughout history. They are one of the oldest flowers known to man, yet still one of the most popular. Throughout generations of time, storytellers have passed on myths and legends that have fueled many of our beliefs about the meaning and symbolism of the rose. The rose has been called the flower of love, with many legends linking its blooms to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, also known as the Roman goddess Venus, and other goddesses of love.

Lavender Quick Facts

Flower colors range from white to pink to lavender to purple. The leaves are 2.5” long and narrow, green to grey/green. The main components of the oils extracted from the flowers are linalool, 28-49% and linalyl acetate 12-45%. The oils are considered GRAS (generally recognized as safe) and they are used in perfumes, cosmetics, aromatherapy, and massage therapy. Caution should be used because the undiluted oil can cause an allergic rash.

Parsley Quick Facts

The generic name for parsley is derived from the Greek for rock, petros; is the most widely cultivated herb in Europe, and the most-used culinary herb in the United States. It became popular in Roman times for it's culinary use, but gained favor as an attractive plant that could be used as an edging in the garden or grown in a container. The Greeks held parsley in high esteem, using it to crown victors at the Isthmian Games; as well as using it medicinally.

Elderberry Quick Facts

Elder can be described as a rhizomatous, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with a light gray to brown-colored bark. The dark green to deep purple-colored leaves have an unpleasant smell which is thought to act as an insect repellent. The flowers are cream colored and appear in flat clusters. The individual florets open randomly in a flower structure called a cymose corymb. The black fruits (berries) also mature randomly. Only the nutrient-rich flowers or ripe berries (after cooking) should be consumed. While many chemical constituents have been identified, some of the common nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin A, flavonoids, beta-carotene, iron, and potassium.

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