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July 2018 Newsletter

Herbal Times Newsletter Meeting July 11 Girl Scout Building 6:00 pm

We are meeting at the GSB not at the park due to too many storms. This is the scholarship presentation month so bring extra food for the recipient’s families. We had a great time on the bus trip Connie Cooper did a great job. The gardens in Evansville were beautiful and the Library with the roof top prairie was amazing. The surprise stop was golf cart tour of New Harmony what fun.

We have a new member Dana Jeffers, she joined while on the bus trip. Welcome Dana.

I hope everyone who signed up to weed and water the garden at Deming Park are working hard and thank you.

See you at the meeting!


Herb of the month

Anise Hyssop,

Agastache foeniculum

•Also known as licorice mint due to anise scented foliage which actually more closely resembles

basil or French tarragon in fragrance with a hint of mint; or blue giant hyssop or fennel giant

hyssop Spreads by rhizomes or self

Thrives in full sun to part shade, well drained moist soils but also tolerates dry soil

•Member of the mint family

(Lamiaceae) and is not related to plants referred to as Hyssop seeds once established Is deer resistant

and drought tolerant once established

Lavender flowers bloom June through September and retain their color and fragrance when dried

Used by Native Americans for medicine, tea and to sweeten and flavor food

•The Cheyenne used

it medicinally for chest colds, chest pain from coughing, in steam baths to induce sweating, and to correct a dispirited heart. The Chippewa, Cree and other tribes also had

medicinal uses Said to stop nightmares so is an ingredient in dream pillows

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