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April 2018 Newsletter

Herbal Times Newsletter

April 11 Meeting Ute Shelter Deming Park 6:00 pm

This is a working meeting to clean the herb garden at Deming Park near the Ute Shelter. Please bring tools and gloves. If you can come early please do so. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as last year. There will be signup sheets for the herb fair at this meeting please volunteer.

The scholarship committee is making changes to the application to make it less confusing for the applicants.

Scholarship winners are Jillian Beem, Mary Curley, Mackenzi Lamb, Emily Macak, Samanthe Ockerman, Logan Thralls, Luke Wilson and alternate Caroline Wilson Thank you Scholarship Committee for all your hard work.

Hello Fellow Herbalists

Hope everyone is getting ready for the herb fair. Last year the morning of the herb fair went very well we had five volunteer’s please sign up. Larry and Julie Agee went to Illinois to see Alma and they said everything looks good she will have to make a few substitutions which is normal. We will need to talk about Earth Day at SMW we will need someone to volunteer to work if we are going to have a table. I will bring a calendar for people to sign up to keep the garden clean and watered for the rest of the growing season.

Things to do:

Annual Plant auction may 5, 2018 9:15 am preview 10:00 am auction start

Harris Hall at the Putnam County Fairgrounds

Get your garden on

For more information, call 765-653-8411

Visit our Facebook page

Brought to you by the Putnam County Master Gardener Association

Purdue University is an equal opportunity / equal access / affirmative action institution

Earth Day Festival and Craft Fair Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Near Terre Haute. 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 28

Cost: Freewill donation at the gate

See you at the meeting


Wabash Valley Herb Society

March 14 2018

Meeting Minutes

Our guest speaker was Adam Grossman his talk on maple syrup and the way it is made was very informative. Meeting came to order 22 members were present. Treasurer Treva Cook read the treasures report. Vice President Virgil Cook said we have 64 vendors. We discussed the club booth at the herb fair, we will no longer sell stuff it will be an information only booth. Treva Cook made the motion and Verdeana Boyles seconded and the motion was passed. The subject of changing the bylaws about providing books to the libraries was discussed and Sue Claycomb said that would have to be done by a lawyer. Members paid their dues, flyers for the Herb Faire were passed out. President Mary Jane Drake said we are now caught up with the state for our yearly filing. We had 4 guests three Debra Pierce, Catherine Keelin, Richard Culler and Carol West three paid dues and are new members.

President Mary Jane Drake closed the meeting

--Secertary Vicki Cochran

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