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September 2017 Newsletter

Hello Fellow Herbalists!

The meeting will be at my house 3617 W. Astor Dr. Terre Haute. I will have a map in the newsletter. We will have a bonfire and roast hot dogs or sausage and I will provide meat and buns. If it rains we will be in the barn. Come and let’s have fun. Don’t forget we pick the organizations we are going to donate to at this meeting. Also this is the year to vote for President and Treasurer. Nominations in November vote in December. The committee met last month to order the herbs for next year. We have decided to have the scholarship presentation at the Girl Scout Building.

I have a bunch of gourds we are going to make bird houses at this meeting or whatever you want to do with them bring your cordless drills you can save the seeds and plant them for next year. I would like to form a committee to work on programs for the meetings I need volunteer’s.

Some things to do:

Purdue University’s Indiana Beginning Farmer program is sponsoring a two-day workshop for veterans who want to learn about beekeeping. The event will be held Sept. 29-30 in Wheatfield, Indiana. To register go to and look for the register tabs in the upper or lower right of the webpage.

Creating Nature in Burbs, Sept. 23, 2017 at the Hamilton Co. Fairgrounds, Noblesville, IN., 9:00 – 3:15 pm. Click on the following for a registration form: Creating Nature in the Burbs 2017 Reg .

Indiana Bat Festival Sat, Sep 16, 2017 10:00 am - 6:00 pm ISU Bat Center Sixth and Chestnut Streets Terre Haute, IN 47801

See you at the meeting

PS if you get lost call me 812-299-5617

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